<title>Murder in Dover: no good evidence that "far-right terrorist" Andrew Leak started any fire at the Western Jet Foil "military base"</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 01 Jul 2023 15:27:03 +0000</pubDate>
Observe, please, the image below purported to show “far-right terrorist” Andrew Leak throwing something said to be a “petrol bomb” through his opened car window outside the gates of the Western Jet Foil centre in Dover on the morning of Sunday, October 30th, 2022.

It is immediately noticeable that if what is shown is Leak in the attitude and place from which he launched his so-called terror attack involving three “explosive devices” in all, then in actual fact he could not have lobbed the one that supposedly started the fire to be seen on the other side of his car. The image informs our common sense, which in turn tells us that Leak could not have made the “bomb” arrive in that location using his 66 year-old right arm in an action that would have had to send it looping over the roof of his car to land anything up to 20 yards behind him.
He could not, either, have started another fire that broke out further along the perimeter fence of the centre at a location an even greater distance away from the rear of the car as it is pictured. In fact, in order for Leak to have started these fires – as the image suggests it – he would have had to have driven in the opposite direction along the road that can be seen – the only way in and out of the site – releasing “bombs” from his driver’s side window as he went. He would then have had to turn around in the car park to which this road leads, to progress back along it to arrive at the position captured in what is now the iconic photograph related to the incident.
This would beg the question, however, as to why the Reuters photo-journalist, Peter Nicholls, who captured the image, did not manage to record any other part of what would have been a convoluted act – including manoeuvres in a cul-de-sac (at the risk of being detained) to point a car in the opposite direction of travel. In fact, before this question needed to be addressed, there would be requirement to resolve the snag that came from Nicholls’ own witness testimony contradicting what was in fact the only piece of photographic evidence that could be produced that testified to the scenario to be extrapolated from it: Nicholls said, after all (and as recorded in the first part of this series), that Leak had stepped out of the vehicle to deliver all of his “bombs” (one of which did not burn).
While Nicholls’ self-contradiction is perhaps the ultimate reason why one can say that there is nothing to be trusted about the story in which Leak is supposed to have attacked the Western Jet Foil centre, there is also much to say in these regards about the contribution to the sense of suspicion caused by the distinct lack of photographic evidence. The reader will probably agree that – in contrast to other cases – there was an unusual absence of CCTV footage that could incriminate Leak. In truth, there was none. It is an omission made absurd by the fact that at least one camera was in place that could have recorded Leak’s infamous deed: it was the same one by which the public was treated to images of staff emerging from the centre to extinguish the fire. One such example is published below. The author is suitably experienced to understand this situation to mean that Leak cannot be shown to have started any fires.

Moreover, there is reason to suspect that the one piece of evidence that suggests Leak had anything at all to do with a “terror attack” was actually fabricated. Observe the image, below, featuring a close-up of the object supposedly thrown by Leak. This is an image taken as-is from corporate media; it has not been doctored for the purpose of being presented here. It is a section taken from the wider scene and blown up and, self-evidently, when this was first published it was designed to show how Leak’s devices were “comprised of a container with a firework connected to it”. Fascinatingly, though, in this image that allows a closer look, the white line under the container component particularly gives the object an appearance of having being photoshopped into the broader scene. Moreover, that there has been fakery in this respect is also suggested by the look of the object as it can be seen in the aforementioned CCTV footage (where centre staff are extinguishing the fire [please inspect the pertinent image]). Whatever is resting in the road after being thrown there by Leak – as far as appearances go – is missing a firework. This evidence points to Leak never having handled an “explosive device”.

It is by this puncturing of the official narrative, combined with the details regarding Leak’s apparent suicide – as documented in the first part of this series – whereby it doesn’t seem possible that he had enough time to escape from the environs of the centre to arrive at a petrol station and stage his own demise (not to mention the other irregularities that cast doubt on it), that the author has concluded that Leak did not start any of the fires at the Western Jet Foil. Moreover, it has further been concluded that it is unlikely that Leak even threw any object out of his car window (or otherwise) that was capable of combusting, and that it is likely a fact that Leak, having therefore been a complete patsy, was already dead (rendered unable to talk) when he was delivered to the place he was later to be discovered.
This last feature of the operation, therefore, would mean that the “attack” would likely have taken place earlier than officially alleged in order to accommodate the termination of the patsy – and we should note that, accordingly, there is no evidence by which the time of the attack can be independently determined (not that timestamps can be trusted). Although, as a result of his death, the means by which it was accomplished so that Leak could be on site to be photographed is now completely and ultimately unknowable, it should be noted that he was an armed forces veteran (with his service in Northern Ireland being of specific interest), and might have been activated – ordered or otherwise incentivised to participate – through those connections, or he could have been recruited through contact with military intelligence operatives on internet discussion forums (something to be looked at in the next instalment of this series). Either way, we can perhaps suspect that he was eliminated at a meeting which he would have been under the impression was going to be a debriefing.
Of course, when it is also understood that the Western Jet Foil centre was a de facto military base, what with it even being reported by the BBC in January of 2022 that “Armed forces [were] set to take over English Channel operations” (under the cover of “dealing” with an apparent problem of illegal migration), then it can be understood that control by military intelligence over the stage upon which a “terror attack” was to play out was achievable exactly as it was in the case of the Woolwich incident of 2013, which took place at a back entrance to an Army barracks. Of course, there is no contradiction in that, while there was absolutely no opportunity allowed for public inspection of the Dover incident, a complete circus was played out (and, to its detriment, deconstructed) in the prior example: both involved being able to control the environs around the military space out of which the incident would be produced. The fact that the sole photographic evidence of Leak’s involvement comes from a Reuters photographer who just happened to be there completely smacks of a controlled environment.

Indeed, a photo published in corporate-media showing activity in the centre in the aftermath of the attack, with a significant cluster of military uniformed personnel to be seen, absolutely confirms that the centre has that quality of being an unofficial military base. Such a photograph is valuable evidence as to who is in fact responsible for starting fires in the name of “far-right terror”.
And that the situation exists whereby the opportunity to stage such an operation is so readily available to the Krypteia (UK military/military intelligence) should not be a surprise given that – as this site has accused UK Government to its readership before – the illegal immigration of military age men from the Third World and certain more oriental regions of Europe appears for the most part to be cover for the redeployment of UK proxy-army assets from points of recruitment or from previous battlefields. Ultimately, that UK Government has this ulterior motive is inevitably why UK Armed Forces must be found staffing such processing centres as the one at Dover’s Western Jet Foil centre. Perversely, then, in late 2022, under the story that “people searching for a better life” were targeted by an unreasonable English “racist”, one of the purposes of the false flag attack on this “base” was for generating general public support for the culture and system by which UK Government can maintain its wholly subversive, secretive asset restaging capability. In fact, the operation was completely part and parcel of a long standing operation to marginalise and criminalise those who would be capable of opposing, blocking and reversing the UK Government’s implementation of its vision of how it is entitled to act in power (without reference to its unlawfulness) – and this will be the subject of the next portion of the series.
Additional, 2/7/23:
The image shown below was found after a post-publication sweep of the research material gathered for the writing of this series. Taken from a different perspective of the scene than that of the CCTV footage, this image is presumably a photograph taken at ground level. The object on the ground is visible. Again, the author contends it is not the same thing that had supposedly been lobbed from Leak’s car.

There’s another issue to be revisited by this close look at the object, which is the one raised in the first part of this series regarding the involvement of Army bomb disposal, and why it could have been necessary. This image, if it shows the sort of “weapon” that Leak was said to have a spare of with him in his car, would appear to confirm the notion that there was indeed no necessity for Army interference, in the very first instance, at the site where Leak’s body was found – a place that never appeared to be treated as a scene of a potential crime, for the reason, of course, that the foul play involved in Leak’s death was to be covered up.