the cautionary tale of oliver lewin (two)

    <title>The first of the anti-tyranny "terrorism"; Part One: pretend fighting</title>
		<pubDate>Sun, 05 Feb 2023 21:30:24 +0000</pubDate>

A “We Do Not Consent” rally took place in London’s Trafalgar Square on 26th September, 2020, and superficially the speakers and crowds in attendance were protesting the possibility of mandatory so-called vaccines and the “mitigation measures” deployed in the name of preventing the spread of so-called Covid-19.

On the face of it, some would say, in terms of it being a demonstration of a principled stance of opposition to certain actions by UK Government, the event was let down when there were scuffles between protesters and police so that the BBC and Daily Mail, for instance, could publish the respective headlines:

Covid: Clashes as police shut down protest over new rules Anti-lockdown protesters clash with police after at least 15,000 gathered against virus restrictions in Trafalgar Square…

Some would say further that the event itself was blameless but infiltrated with saboteurs for the purpose of discrediting, but this is not to get to grips with the truth.

When studying video footage of the encounter between a number of protesters and a ball of no more than 30 police taking place in front of a gallery of photographers – whose work would find its way to the pages of the aforementioned corporate-media denouncements – it becomes obvious that the protesters are not a selection of ordinary people.

On one hand there is a type who give signals with hands and voice to direct the course of events. The same type are to be seen pushing another contingent (of a type to be discussed momentarily) towards the police – giving actual shoves – so that there can be a reaction that makes it appear as if there is fighting when in fact all the to-and-fro amounts to is a sort of scrum. These ones are police/intelligence assets.

The other type introduced above in terms of being a victim class appear to be useful idiots – sometimes in quite obvious ways by being present wearing a cricket helmet, or “V-for-vendetta” masks for instance, or even carrying a laptop. More often, however, there are no signs of the vulnerability that makes this sort of person an ideal one to be handled and placed for the optics: to gain the highest profile, to make the movement look ridiculous as well as dangerous, and most of all to bear the brunt of the whole psychological operation.

It’s there to be seen in the footage. The “clashes” of the headlines were 100% engineered.

Of course, the “We Do Not Consent” rally had already been discredited, not by Piers Corbyn (whose full disgrace was yet to come) even though he was labelled “conspiracy theorist” in the full version of the Mail’s elongated headline, but by the ludicrous Son of Icke (as the ex-BBC man is known in these parts).

Because in this series there’s going to be a study of the media levers by which well-meaning people are made into “terrorists”, its important to recall that this would have been the second “anti-lockdown” rally in all held in London, with both having now featured David “Second Coming of Christ” Icke. To those running him, the big attraction of making Icke a central figure in the “movement”, in addition to his power to repel would-be support, would have been his ability to lead people by the nose to a situation whereby they could be perceived as being radical in the looniest way. Note well, Icke had already been given corporate-media air time and plenty follow-up coverage in order to be linked to the damage of 5G communications masts – as covered at FBEL – and this is tremendously pertinent to the core subject of this series.

Surprisingly, however, Icke’s anti-“Covid” profile had been toned down by the third London protest in October 2020 (he did not participate), and didn’t recover until the Summer of 2021 amidst an escalation to make the protests more violent and threatening of violence than they hitherto had been. This temporary downgrading was despite the promotion he received from alternative media, the following being from Off-Guardian reporting on the first rally in August 2020:

David Icke had real focus and the crowds responded well to him. His message was that the covid agenda is a distraction to take away our basic human rights, used by powerful people, and we need to stop this from happening. “You are being lied to” he emphasised. He didn’t stray far off this topic and steered clear of more “out there” theories. He’s been extremely strong on this issue from the start. He spoke passionately and well.

This alternative media support for Icke was not in isolation – far from it – and one such other example of complimentary coverage is detailed in the first of the FBEL’s articles about to be listed. This site, of course, categorically rejected a connection between Icke and any and all things “anti-lockdown”, as evidenced by the pieces, The Trafalgar Square Turd (published August 30th), and Operation Flush The Turd (published September 23rd). While not wanting to make unreasonable claims about influence, it’s hard not to notice a coincidence of timing between the publication of said articles and the spoiling of the all too evident plan for Icke’s “figureheadship”.

A former Infowars Associate Editor  tweets.

This site also actually bore witness to the escalation of 2021 in the article, Being Led Like A Lamb To Slaughter?, and the piece lengthily titled, The Times Outs Controlled Alternative Media; Part Two: The Project To Conflate Anti-Lockdown With Extremism By Every Measure That UK Government Can Conceive Of, and in fact is still in the process (with a series as yet unfinished) of demonstrating that a scheme to criminalise an “anti-lockdown movement” didn’t begin and end with an association with one preposterous character. Again, for the same reason stated above, this series will overlap that which has already been produced (and prompt its completion).

Of course, having a mob on the streets to discredit opposition to Government wasn’t a new idea in April 2021 when, on the 24th of that month, and seemingly in reaction to a complete loss of narrative impetus caused by the “walk through London” in March, violence by an “anti-lockdown” crowd involved lobbing projectiles at police in Hyde Park (as far as appearances go, and that’s all that counts). It certainly wasn’t a new one in September 2020 at the Trafalgar Square rally, which provided yet another opportunity to verify the modus operandi of UK Government even by observing the adventures of one individual.

Fig. 1

Being referred to is the person who came to the rally with a laptop computer – a slight figure not built as one who would go in for fighting. He can be seen in the above image, in the bottom left hand corner. During the “clashes” with police, this hapless character found himself being thrown around like a pinball, bouncing between the uniformed and undercover security services either side of him – see below.

Fig. 2

At one point, unsurprisingly, the laptop was dropped, or knocked out of hands. This is when the undercover agent, who had shoved the pawn forward beyond where the computer laid on the ground, still with hands on him, hooked a trailing foot around the appliance and booted it towards the police (below).

Fig. 3

Obviously, the intent was to provoke the useful idiot to move into the police lines, and particularly towards the tiny brown-skinned woman dressed in ethnic head-garb (who can be seen bristling as equally as any of her colleagues in Fig. 2). Perhaps there had been a plan to engineer images of assault being dealt out by anti-lockdown thug to an otherwise brave and battling minority female to be captured by the ranks of assembled press. Unfortunately for those who might have been hoping for such theatre, the computer was retrieved without a fight and after a brief negotiation.

Fig. 4

It might be said of this character that he was unlucky to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but this isn’t suggested by all the evidence where he is seen, at an earlier point in proceedings, in close proximity to the stage from which speeches would be given (see Figs. 4 and 5). As close to what might be called the “event officials” as he could be without himself wearing a florescent jacket, the great access had by this character has a flip side in that his whereabouts (in all that crowd filling Trafalgar Square) would have been known and managed by those who were looking to manipulate him.

Fig. 5

The ultimately interesting thing about this character is his resemblance to Oliver Lewin – the man, of course, who was found guilty at the end of 2022 of what is hereabouts being called anti-tyranny “terrorism”. Lewin, as we are going to discover in this series, appears to have been provoked into incriminating himself by intelligence operatives via an online forum. At the risk of getting into some looky-likey dopiness, Lewin (shown below to the right in what must be his mug shot taken at the time of his August 2021 arrest) could well be the Trafalgar Square character with next year’s (less) hair.

Oliver Lewin’s mugshot

But as meaningful as this might be, if the two are not the same man – and the images confirmed by police to be Lewin and released after his conviction (as seen in Figs. 6 and 7) are not helpful in making any such decision about this – the equally important issue is that the person in either situation (i.e. incriminated by an immediate physical situation or as a result of plotting by virtual influencers) is essentially the same cut-out that represents “any-man”, and that both situations are two aspects of the same operation. If the “any-man” is capable of being the supposed street politicking thug, then he is capable of being the supposed insurrectionist terrorist, the one thing being completely consistent with the other. Moreover, anyone who has cause to be attracted to, and has the potential to be beguiled by the incitements of provocateurs is the “any-man”, and this is where it is all leading to when well-meaning people are encouraged, unapologetically and in fact earnestly across the alternative media board, to attend rallies to be tarnished by association with the likes of David Icke.

Fig. 6
Fig. 7

[This article was started on February 1st].