kursk and the “riots”

In England, UK Government got a handful of Mi5 organisers and sent them from one town to another in support of local boot boys (operatives whose recruitment is connected with being a football supporter). Corporate-media, alternative media, and politicians (I warned you about Reform) then made a cacophony of din, blowing everything out of proportion, so the activity of the agents on the ground could be perceived by a bewildered public not only as being real but as being an epidemic of rioting.

In Kursk, UK Government put a thousand armed men in Ukrainian uniform, and sent them bursting along a number of roads into the Kursk oblast of Russia, exactly as they had done in Kharkov in 2022 (on a bigger scale). Corporate-media and alternative media made a cacophony of din, making incredibly dumb maps of expansive Ukrainian blue whereby they hoped to fool their audience into believing that what amounted to a suicide raid could create a new and sizeable static front on Russian territory.

As mentioned, UK Government (in this case, meaning UK military/military intelligence) – which undoubtedly plans these things – did the exact same thing in Kharkov in 2022 as it is doing now in Kursk. It appears that UK Government, even after the debacle of Zaporozhye, still thinks that charging at (or through) the Russians is guaranteed to cause them to abandon their positions.

I’m republishing an article that was written at the time of the mad rush into Kharkov that explains that withdrawal in front of such a headlong charge is entirely a matter of choice for the Russians – and has always been. You can find it here – “kursk and kharkov“. Obviously this time the Russians were not going to allow the anti-Russian axis forces to achieve permanent territorial gain. While you’ll be hearing all sorts of wild stories about Ukrainian success, the quiet reality will be Ukrainian destruction (in the places they were forced to get off the roads) and eventual expulsion.

As for the Public Relations afforded by a temporary incursion into Russia presented as an invasion, I’ve said before that the Russians are actually interested in forcing their will on the ground, and won’t care about that sort of stuff – indeed, I will say this like I said it about Kharkov: there is no way in the world that the Russians didn’t know the raid was coming. This means that they gave the anti-Russian axis forces enough room – or rope – as was needed for the Russian objective of Ukrainian demilitarisation. Expect the border with Russia in this vicinity – especially after this colossal mismanagement by Ukraine’s UK overlords – to migrate westwards before the end of the SMO (now also officially a counter-terror operation out of Kursk and other border regions) as part of this same process.
